OMA Governance Documents

OMA’s activities are governed by its Constitution and By-Laws. These may be amended at its Annual General Meeting which are held in conjunction with each biennial Oceania Masters Athletics Championships, and in non-Championships years are generally held in a convenient location.

OMA’s organisational structure consists of an Assembly and an elected Council.  The Assembly votes on remits proposed by Affiliates or Council members that deal with various matters including changes to the Constitution and By-laws, and votes on membership of the Council.  It may also endorse strategic directions proposed by Council.  The Assembly consists of the Member delegates, Associate Member representatives, elected Council members, and OAA and WMA representatives.  Each affiliate is allowed two delegates, and each delegate and elected Council member has one vote at Assembly meetings. Assembly general meetings are held annually, one in conjunction with the OMA biennial Championships, and one in conjunction with the annual Council meetings.  Given the enormous distances and costs involved in physically attending Assembly meetings in the Oceania region, participation of eligible members at Assembly meetings may also be by electronic means.  Remits and topics for discussion to be put before annual Assembly general meetings are called for by the Secretary not less than three months before the date of the meeting, and are to be in the hands of the Secretary not less than two months before the meeting.

Administration is the responsibility of the Council elected at each AGM held in conjunction with the OMA Championships. The Council is bound to act in terms of decisions made at each AGM and to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws. Decisions made by the AGM and by Council are recorded in the minutes of the meetings.     The Council consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and four Council members, one of which is also the Oceania delegate to WMA, as well as a non-voting representative from the Oceania Athletics Association.  The Council is elected for a period of two years.

OMA has consolidated its Governance into five documents as below. Any other documents located on the website or in computer or hard copy files are superseded by these.

The only legally required document is the OMA Constitution. This is supported by OMA By-Laws which require a simple majority vote in favour at an Assembly meeting. Working matters which may require amendment between Assemblies are contained in OMA Policies and the OMA Championship Manual. Forward planning is contained in the OMA Strategic Plan.

Information  can be accessed via the links below